Ants & Carpenter Ants


Ants are a quite common household pest during spring and summer in Cape Breton. Cape Breton Island has many species of ants but there are a only few particular species that invade structures and cause issues for home and business owners.

By far the most common ant species that cause problems for property owners in Cape Breton are Carpenter Ants. Many folks don’t realize that the ants usually causing a nuisance in your kitchen are actually carpenter ants. Carpenter ants range in size from small, medium, and large and are usually all black with some having a reddish or purple colouring on parts of their bodies. If you are seeing these pests early in the season (February to mid-June) there is a good chance the have a nest or satellite nest somewhere in the wood structure of your home. If you are seeing ants in or around your home call us for advice on how to deal with them, we are always here to help!

For ANT Control in Sydney and all of Cape Breton Island call us TODAY!